Hyde Park

Hyde Park

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

11 months

March 13 2014

Kennedy turned 11 months right before we went on vacation. She has been so fun and learned so much the past few weeks. She now waves consistently, points, says "dog" at Jack :), says mama, dada, mimics simple games we play, initiates games of peek-a-boo, and has a very feisty personality and lets us know EXACTLY what she wants :)

Costa Rica

March 15-March 23 2014

We went on vacation with my mom, dad, and brother to Costa Rica last week. It was amazing and so relaxing. We played in the pool, went to the beach (which Kennedy wasn't crazy about), went zip-lining, jet-skiing, and the boys went ATVing. It was an amazing trip! Here are a few pics :)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Trip to the Park

It kind of felt like spring today! We are supposed to get more snow tomorrow so we took advantage and went to the park with Jack and Kennedy. The both really enjoyed the time outside. We are so over winter!

She won't leave shoes on...we are working on it :)